
The resources below include information and organizations related to managing the Colorado River for California and the nation.

Overview & current conditions

Science and data

  • Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (NOAA) – The Colorado River Basin Forecast Center, operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), produces projections of streamflow and reports on other conditions in the Colorado River.
  • (NOAA) – Keep track of current drought conditions in the United States.
  • Colorado River Science Wiki – Learn about scientific aspects of the basin, including much more than what you can find here.

Basin partners

A wide range of organizations are involved in planning and managing the Colorado River. Here are those that California and the Colorado River Board interacts with on a regular basis. For a full list of basin stakeholders, see the Colorado River Science Wiki’s Who’s Who.

Colorado River Board Member Agencies

Other State Agencies

Federal Agencies

Colorado River Basin States Agencies

Lower Basin

Upper Basin

Indian Tribes

Two Indian Tribes along the Colorado River have land within California. As Colorado River water users, they are members of the Ten Tribes Partnership, a coalition of Upper and Lower Basin Tribes that depend on the Colorado River.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)


More reading
