The resources below include information and organizations related to managing the Colorado River for California and the nation.
Overview & current conditions
- California and the Colorado River – Learn about the interests and role of California in the Colorado River. See also the specific Programs and activities of the Colorado River Board, as well as a more detailed history of California and the Colorado River.
- Colorado River Basin conditions – Current and projected near-term conditions within the Colorado River Basin.
- Law of the River – Learn about the legal regime that underpins management of the Colorado River
Science and data
- Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (NOAA) – The Colorado River Basin Forecast Center, operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), produces projections of streamflow and reports on other conditions in the Colorado River.
- (NOAA) – Keep track of current drought conditions in the United States.
- Colorado River Science Wiki – Learn about scientific aspects of the basin, including much more than what you can find here.
Basin partners
A wide range of organizations are involved in planning and managing the Colorado River. Here are those that California and the Colorado River Board interacts with on a regular basis. For a full list of basin stakeholders, see the Colorado River Science Wiki’s Who’s Who.
Colorado River Board Member Agencies
- Coachella Valley Water District
- Imperial Irrigation District
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
- The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Colorado River page
- Palo Verde Water District
- San Diego County Water Authority | Colorado River page
- California Department of Water Resources
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Other State Agencies
Federal Agencies
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. Geological Survey
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Bureau of Land Management
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. Section
Colorado River Basin States Agencies
Lower Basin
- Arizona
- California
- Nevada
Upper Basin
- Upper Colorado River Commission
- Colorado
- New Mexico
- Utah
- Wyoming
Indian Tribes
Two Indian Tribes along the Colorado River have land within California. As Colorado River water users, they are members of the Ten Tribes Partnership, a coalition of Upper and Lower Basin Tribes that depend on the Colorado River.
- Fort Yuma Quechan Indian Tribe (Kwatsaan) (Ten Tribes page)
- Fort Mohave Indian Tribe (Pipa Aha Macav) (Ten Tribes page)
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
More reading