About Us


Seven counties in Southern California receive water and hydroelectric energy from the Colorado River. Colorado River water is used for drinking water by over 19 million people in Southern California and irrigates over 600,000 acres of agricultural lands that produce fruits, vegetables, and other crops that help feed our nation’s families.

The mission of the Colorado River Board of California is to protect California’s rights and interests in the resources provided by the Colorado River and to represent California in discussions and negotiations regarding the Colorado River and its management.

To fulfill this mission, since 1938 the Colorado River Board of California has been charged with:

  • Ensuring the long term quantity and reliability of California’s Colorado River water resources.
  • Representing California in discussions among the Colorado River Basin States, Indian Tribes, the federal government and others in implementing joint cooperative programs to protect California’s use of Colorado River water and to address environmental and endangered species issues.
  • Addressing issues relating to the 1944 U.S.-Mexico Water Treaty through cooperative efforts with the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission and other states.

Board Members

The Colorado River Board of California consists of eight members that are appointed by the Governor, including six representing water agencies and two members of the public, and the Directors of the California Department of Water Resources and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Members are as follows:

Coachella Valley Water District

Peter Nelson
Castulo Estrada (alternate)

85-995 Avenue 52
Coachella, CA  92236
(760) 398-2651
Fax (760) 398-3711

Imperial Irrigation District

John B. Hamby, Chairman
Gina Dockstader (alternate)

333 E. Barioni Blvd.
Imperial, CA 92251
(760) 339-9477
Fax (760) 339-9392

Los Angeles Department of Water Resources

David Pettijohn
Delon Kwan (alternate)

111 North Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA  90051
(800) 342-5397
Fax (213) 367-3212

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Gloria Cordero
Michael Camacho (alternate)

700 North Alameda Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 217-6000
Fax (213) 217-6650

Palo Verde Irrigation District

Dana Bart Fisher, Jr.
Brad Robinson (alternate)

180 W. 14th Avenue
Blythe, CA 92225
(760) 922-3144
Fax (760) 922-8294

San Diego County Water Authority

Jim Madaffer, Vice Chairman
Eric Heidemann (alternate)

4677 Overland Avenue
San Diego, CA  92123
(858) 522-6600
Fax (858) 522-6568

California Department of Water Resources

Karla Nemeth, Director
1416 Ninth Street, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA  95814
(916) 653-5791
Fax (916) 653-4684


Jeanine Jones, Designee
Interstate Resources Manager
1416 Ninth Street, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA  95814
(916) 653-5791
Fax (916) 653-4684

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Charlton H. Bonham, Director
1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 653-445-0411
Fax (916) 653-7387


Christopher G. Hayes, Designee
Deputy Regional Manager, Eastern Sierra and Inland Desert Region
17041 South Lovekin Blvd.
P.O. Box 2160
Blythe, CA 92226
(760) 922-9189
Fax (760) 922-5638

Public Members

Jordan D. Joaquin, President, Fort Yuma Quechan Indian Tribe


Frank Ruiz

California Attorney General’s Office

Eric M. Katz, Supervising Deputy Attorney General
Dylan Redor, Deputy Attorney General

300 South Spring Street, Suite 1702
Los Angeles, CA 90013-1230
(213) 897-2000
Fax (213) 897-2802

Executive Staff

Jessica Neuwerth, Executive Director (Acting)
770 Fairmont Ave., Suite 100
Glendale, CA  91203-1068
(818) 254-3200 ext. 308


The legal authorization for the Colorado River Board is provided in California’s Water Code, Division 6, Part 5 (sections 12500-12560).

State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA) Report

The State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA), Government Code sections 13400-13407, was enacted “to reduce the waste of resources and strengthen internal control. SLAA requires each state agency to maintain effective systems of internal control, to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of these controls on an ongoing basis, and to biennially report on the adequacy of the agency’s systems of internal control” (from the Dept. of Finance’s SLAA website). Download the CRB’s latest SLAA reports below: